Cause we’re gonna be legends.
Gonna get their attention.
What we’re doing here ain’t just scary.
It’s about to be legendary.“

In 2017, the US band Welshly Arms attracted international attention with these lyrics. Two albums, tours and festivals followed. Their music is characterized by profound lyrics, a mix of blues, rock and soul – and the unique voice of singer and guitarist Sam Getz, whom I met in Ulm.

Welshly-Arms-Sänger Sam Getz in Ulm auf der Bühne

“Will you sing it with us?” Sam Getz asks the audience. His eyes shine, his guitar hangs casually from the strap over his shoulder, the spotlights are on him. The first notes of Legendary can be heard in the background. The crowd cheers in approval, many clap. There are around 1100 people in the Ulmer Festzelt on this Friday evening (7th June). The atmosphere is relaxed. It is the grand finale of the concert. And as they had done for several songs before, the band once again put all their passion for music into the performance.

Welshly Arms on tour in Germany

“It’s great to reconnect with our German fans,” Sam says to me when we meet up for a short interview backstage after the concert. “We had a lot of fun.”

In 2023, the band from Cleveland, Ohio toured Europe with their third album Wasted Words and Bad Decisions, making a few stops in Germany along the way. “Last year we did some of the bigger cities, and we did more of the rest of Europe. This time we’re only in Germany. This is kind of the first leg of the summer. We’ll be back in July.”

Legendary should not be missing from the setlist then, nor should Welshly Arms’ latest song Dreamers. Two special songs that were released seven years apart from each other and yet are connected. In conversation, Sam told me more about the background.

Welshly Arms singer Sam Getz on the meaning of their hit single “Legendary”

“It’s actually funny that we’re talking about these two songs. Because Dreamers is about keeping the dream alive. And Legendary is about the beginning of the dream,” Sam explains to me, alluding to the band’s journey.

When asked about the creation process of Legendary, he says while laughing: “I’m a bit embarrassed about it. I wrote the first part, the chorus, in the shower.” He then went into the studio with band member Jimmy Weaver, presented him his idea, and they worked on the song together.

It’s about that we’re going to keep doing what WE do. We’re going to play music the way WE play it. And one day people will appreciate that and like it. We are singing about, that what we are doing will make a difference, it will matter. I don’t think about it just for our band, but for anybody who is passionate about something. If you stick with it, and you’re determined, you will find your audience and you will become legendary. I really believe that,” he says.

Welshly Arms releases new single: “Dreamers” out since June 6th

With Dreamers, the band has now released a song with an equally profound meaning. “Sometimes you lose certain dreams, or you feel like you’ve already seen what you needed to see. Sometimes you thinkmaybe it’s time to give up‘ and then there’s something that just pulls you back to your dream,” Sam explains the inspiration behind the lyrics.

“It’s sort of a reminder that I can’t give this up just yet,” he says, referring to the music and the band. “I still want to keep the dream of playing music and taking my music to other countries like Germany. That dream lives in me and I think that this dream will never die.”

“We’re working on more songs”: Sam Getz announces new music

What began with Legendary is as became clear during the conversationfar from over. New music is being created, the singer tells me. We’re working on more songs. There will probably be singles this summer and maybe in autumn. Probably at the end of the year or the beginning of next year we’ll do a full record again.”

Article and picture by Michelle Brey