More About Michelle
I love football, writing and music.
After graduating from high school I started a training to become Management Assistent in Digital and Print Media (Münchener Zeitungs-Verlag). Silmultaneous I completed the Distance Learning Course Journalism (ILS – Institut für Lernsysteme). Since August 2019 I work as a freelance journalist for Ippen Digital (Münchner Merkur, tz). In October 2019 I started studying sport science in Munich.
Besides that I combined two of my passions: writing and football. Since March 2019 I support the football department of TSV 1865 Dachau e.V. and do public relations on a voluntary basis.
In November 2019 I published my book “How To Survive Mobbing” (english: “How To Survive Bullying). I want to set a sign against bullying.